Submissions from 2012
Should FRAND Patents Get Exclusion Orders?, Colleen Chien
Regulating Software Patents, Colleen Chien
Startups and Patent Trolls, Colleen Chien
Reforming Software Patents, Colleen Chien
Who Shot Charles Summers?, Kyle Graham
The International Trade Commission and Patent Disputes, Colleen Chien
Featuring People in Ads, Eric Goldman and Rebecca Tushnet
Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Employment Discrimination as a Means for Social Cleansing, E. Gary Spitko
Rand Patents and Exclusion Orders: Submission of 19 Economics and Law Professors to the International Trade Commission, Colleen Chien, Richard J. Gilbert, Carl Shapiro, Thomas F. Cotter, Stefania Fusco, Shubha Ghosh, Eric Goldman, Dan L. Burk, Daniel R. Cahoy, Michael A. Carrier, Jorge L. Contreras, Joseph Scott Miller, Michael Risch, Jason Schultz, Ted M. Sichelman, Arti K. Rai, Katherine J. Strandburg, Esther Van Zimmerman, and Christal Sheppard
Why Patentable Subject Matter Matters for Software, Brian J. Love
Consumer Lock-In and the Theory of the Firm, David Yosifon
New Technology - Old Law: Autonomous Vehicles and California's Insurance Framework, Robert Peterson
Rethinking Patent Disclosure, Colleen Chien
Best Mode Trade Secrets, Brian J. Love
The Anti-Immigrant Game, Pratheepan Gulasekaram and Karthick Ramakrishnan
Patent Insurance/Collective Approaches to Managing Patent Risk, Colleen Chien
IHL Supplement for Use in Courses in International Criminal Law, Beth Van Schaack
The Facebook Effect: Secondary Markets and Insider Trading in Today's Startup Environment, Stephen F. Diamond
Redistricting Commissions, Angelo N. Ancheta
Of Frightened Horses and Autonomous Vehicles: Tort Law and its Assimilation of Innovations, Kyle Graham
Crimes, Widgets, and Plea Bargaining: An Analysis of Charge Content, Pleas, and Trials, Kyle Graham
The Who Owns What Problem in Patent Law, Colleen Chien
The Killing of Osama Bin Laden & Anwar Al-Aulaqi: Uncharted Legal Territory, Beth Van Schaack
Subpatentable, Unpatentable, and Other Overlooked Problems in Access to Clean Technologies, Colleen Chien
Tough on Crime (on the State's Dime): How Violent Crime Does Not Drive California Counties' Incarceration Rates - And Why it Should, W. David Ball
A Section Memoir, Patricia A. Cain
The New York Marriage Equality Act and the Income Tax, Patricia A. Cain
Predicting and Insuring Against Patent Litigation, Colleen Chien
Race to the Bottom, Colleen Chien
Guns and Membership in the American Polity, Pratheepan Gulasekaram
Why a Wall?, Pratheepan Gulasekaram
The Importance of the Political in Immigration Federalism, Pratheepan Gulasekaram and S. Karthick Ramakrishnan
Getting Past Legal Analysis… or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Teaching Rape, Michelle Oberman
Who Owns an Avatar?: Copyright, Creativity, and Virtual Worlds, Tyler T. Ochoa
Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum [Brief of Amicus Curiae], David Sloss and Navi Pillay
Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum [Supplemental Brief of Amicus Curiae], David Sloss and Navi Pillay
Par in Parem Imperium Non Habet, Beth Van Schaack
Revisiting the Work We Know So Little About: Race, Wealth, Privilege, and Social Justice, Stephanie M. Wildman, Beverly Moran, and Margalynne J. Armstrong
Submissions from 2011
No Exception to the Rule: The Unconstitutionality of State Immigration Enforcement Laws, Pratheepan Gulasekaram
Is the Copyright Public Domain Irrevocable?: An Introduction to Golan v. Holder, Tyler T. Ochoa
Environmental Tort Litigation in China, Tseming Yang and Adam Moser
Tax Neutrality and Tax Amenities, David M. Hasen
An Empirical Study of Patent Litigation Timing: Could a Patent Term Reduction Decimate Trolls Without Harming Innovators?, Brian J. Love
Why Should States Pay For Prisons, When Local Officials Decide Who Goes There?, W. David Ball
Planning for Same-Sex Couples in 2011, Patricia A. Cain
Protecting Domestic Industries at the ITC, Colleen Chien
The Public Choice Problem in Corporate Law: Corporate Social Responsibility After Citizens United, David Yosifon
Domestic Application of Treaties, David Sloss
Executing Foster v. Neilson: The Two-Step Approach to Analyzing Self-Executing Treaties, David Sloss
The Aggression Amendments: Points of Consensus and Dissension, Beth Van Schaack
Leveraging Externship Opportunities to Provide Benchmark Experiences and Skills for Practice, Sandee Magliozzi and Susan Beneville
State Cooperation & the International Criminal Court: A Role for the United States?, Beth Van Schaack
The Principle of Legality in International Criminal Law, Beth Van Schaack
The Crime of Aggression and Humanitarian Intervention on Behalf of Women, Beth Van Schaack
Normative Elements of Parole Risk, W. David Ball
Patent Amicus Briefs: What the Courts’ Friends Can Teach us about the Patent System, Colleen Chien
Predicting Patent Litigation, Colleen Chien
Beyond the Berle and Means Paradigm: Private Equity and the New Capitalist Order, Stephen F. Diamond
Online User Account Termination and 47 U.S.C. §230(c)(2), Eric Goldman
Revisiting Search Engine Bias, Eric Goldman
Facilitating Crimes: An Inquiry Into the Selective Invocation of Offenses Within the Continuum of Criminal Procedures, Kyle Graham
Santa Clara Law 1911-2010: Centennial Faculty Bibliography, Mary D. Hood
Beyond the Doctrine: Five Questions That Will Determine the ACA's Constitutional Fate, Bradley W. Joondeph
The Partisan Dimensions of Federal Preemption in the United States Courts of Appeals, Bradley W. Joondeph
"A Charmed Life": In Memory of Francis J. Conte, Lisa A. Kloppenberg
Interring the Pioneer Invention Doctrine, Brian J. Love
Like Deck Chairs on the Titantic: Why Spectrum Reallocation Won't Avert the Coming Data Crunch But Technology Might Keep the Wireless Industry Afloat, Brian J. Love, David J. Love, and James V. Krogmeier
Gender Integration of the Legal Academy: The Role of the AALS Section on Women in Legal Education, Stephanie M. Wildman
Discourse Norms as Default Rules: Structuring Corporate Speech to Multiple Stakeholders, David Yosifon
Towards a Firm-Based Theory of Consumption, David Yosifon
Submissions from 2010
Criminal Justice Information Sharing: A Legal Primer for Criminal Practitioners in California, W. David Ball and Robert Weisberg
"The People" of the Second Amendment: Citizenship and the Right to Bear Arms, Pratheepan Gulasekaram
Brave New Eugenics: Regulating Assisted Reproductive Technologies in the Name of Better Babies, Kerry L. Macintosh
‘The Grass that Gets Trampled When Elephants Fight’: Will the Codification of the Crime of Aggression Protect Women?, Beth Van Schaack
Financial Options in the Real World: An Economic and Tax Analysis, David M. Hasen
International Service for Human Rights Dossier on the International Criminal Court, Beth Van Schaack
Proposed Combination of Comcast and NBC-Universal, Allen S. Hammond IV and United States House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary
Six Cases in Search of a Decision: The Story of In re Marriage Cases, Jean C. Love and Patricia A. Cain
The Synergistic Evolution of Liberty and Equality in the Marriage Cases Brought by Same-Sex Couples in State Courts, Jean C. Love
An Empirical Assessment of the Potential for Will Substitutes to Improve State Intestacy Statutes, Mary Fellows, E. Gary Spitko, and Charles Strohm
The Political Dimensions of Federal Preemption in the United States Courts of Appeals, Bradley W. Joondeph
Thirteen Ways of Looking at Buck v. Bell: Thoughts Occasioned by Paul Lombardo's "Three Generations, No Imbeciles", Michelle Oberman
Language Assistance and Local Voting Rights Law, Angelo N. Ancheta
E Pluribus Unum: Data and Operations Integration in the California Criminal Justice System, W. David Ball
The Civil Case at the Heart of Criminal Procedure: In re Winship, Stigma, and the Civil-Criminal Distinction, W. David Ball
Taxation of Domestic Partner Benefits: The Hidden Costs, Patricia A. Cain
From Arms Race to Marketplace: The Complex Patent Ecosystem and Its Implications for the Patent System, Colleen Chien
The Regulation of Reputational Information, Eric Goldman
Wikipedia's Labor Squeeze and Its Consequences, Eric Goldman
Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word: The Fair Sentencing Act of 2010, Crack, and Methamphetamine, Kyle Graham
Legal Transitions and the Problem of Reliance, David M. Hasen
Ensuring Presentations by Practicing Lawyers Engage Students, Sandee Magliozzi and Susan P. Beneville
The Many Paths of Environmental Practice: A Response to Professor Bonine, Kenneth A. Manaster
Limits on Duration of Copyright: Theories and Practice, Tyler T. Ochoa
Protection for Works of Foreign Origin Under the 1909 Copyright Act, Tyler T. Ochoa
New Perspectives on Brady and Other Disclosure Obligations: Report of the Working Groups on Best Practices: External Regulation, Kathleen M. Ridolfi
Pharmaceutical Reverse Payment Settlements: Presumptions, Procedural Burdens, and Covenants Not to Sue Generic Drug Manufacturers, Catherine J. K. Sandoval
Why Did China Reform Its Death Penalty?, Kandis Scott