Submissions from 2016
Glatt v. Fox Searchlight and the Rhetorical Value of Inter-Circuit Dialogue, Stephen Smith
The Will as an Implied Unilateral Arbitration Contract, E. Gary Spitko
The Social Relations of Consumption: Corporate Law and the Meaning of Consumer Culture, David Yosifon
Submissions from 2015
Patent Assertion Entities in Europe, Brian Love, Christian Helmers, Fabian Gaessler, and Max Ernicke
Innovation Levers in Diagnostic Patents, Colleen Chien
How Moving from “Best” to “Next” Practices Can Fuel Innovation, Sandee Magliozzi
Breach Avoidance or Treaty Avoidance?: The Problem of Over-compliance and U.S. Ratification of the Basel Convention on Hazardous Wastes, Tseming Yang and C. Scott Fulton
An Assessment of the Consumer Review Freedom Act of 2015, Eric Goldman
International Law in Domestic Courts, David Sloss and Michael Van Alstine
Taming Madison’s Monster: How to Fix Self-Execution Doctrine, David Sloss
Exclusionary and Diffusionary Levers in Patent Law, Colleen Chien
Requests for Comments on Enhancing Patent Quality, Brian Love
Is Corporate Patriotism a Virtue?, David Yosifon
A Rhetorical Exercise: Persuasive Word Choice, Stephen E. Smith
Intellectual Property Scholars Letter to Congress, Brian Love
Opting Out of Shareholder Primacy: Is the Public Benefit Corporation Trivial?, David Yosifon
How International Human Rights Transformed the U.S. Constitution, David Sloss
Comparative Patent Quality, Colleen Chien
Self-Publishing an Electronic Casebook Benefited Our Readers - And Us, Eric Goldman and Rebecca Tushnet
Patent Litigation Update [2015], Brian Love
Chimeras, Hybrids, and Cybrids: How Essentialism Distorts the Law and Stymies Scientific Research, Kerry L. Macintosh
Teaching About the Biological Clock: Age-Related Fertility Decline and Sex Education, Kerry L. Macintosh
Bond v. United States: Choosing the Lesser of Two Evils, David Sloss
Bond v. United States: Choosing the Lesser of Two Evils, David L. Sloss
The Right to a Public Trial and Closing the Courtroom to Disruptive Spectators, Stephen Smith
A Reform Agenda Premised Upon the Reciprocal Relationship Between Anti-LGBT Bias in Role Model Occupations and the Bullying of LGBT Youth, E. Gary Spitko
Wise Latina/os Reflect on Role Models, Acting Affirmatively, and Structures of Discrimination: In Honor of Richard Delgado, Stephanie M. Wildman and Lucy Gaines
Contraps, William J. Woodward Jr.
Submissions from 2014
Inter Partes Review: An Early Look at the Numbers, Brian Love and Shawn Ambwani
An Empirical Study of Inter Partes Review, Brian Love
Featuring People in Ads (2014 Edition), Eric Goldman and Rebecca Tushnet
Reflections on Presumed Incompetent: The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia Symposium—The Plenary Panel, Stephanie M. Wildman, Angela Mae Kupenda, Maritza I. Reyes, Angela Onwauchi-Willig, and Adiren Katherine Wing
International Humanitarian Law Teaching Supplement: Volume 2 - International Criminal Law, Beth Van Schaack
ICC Fugitives: The Need for Bespoke Solutions, Beth Van Schaack
Innocence Presumed: A New Analysis of Innocence as a Constitutional Claim, Paige Kaneb
Brief of Amici Curiae Law, Business, and Economics Scholars in Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank, No. 13-298, Brian J. Love, Jason Schultz, James E. Bessen, and Michael J. Meurer
Restitution Without Context: An Examination of the Losing Contract Problem in the Restatement (Third) of Restitution, William J. Woodward Jr.
The United States’ Position on the Extraterritorial Application of Human Rights Obligations: Give it Up, Beth Van Schaack
Strict Products Liability at 50: Four Histories, Kyle Graham
Polymorphous Public Law Litigation: The Forgotten History of Nineteenth Century Public Law Litigation, David Sloss
Redesigning Sentencing, W. David Ball
Why State Prisons?, W. David Ball
Taxation of Same-Sex Couples After United States v. Windsor: Did the IRS Get it Right in Revenue Ruling 2013-17?, Patricia A. Cain
A New Analysis of Innocence as a Constitutional Claim, Paige Kaneb
Is There a Patent Troll Problem in the U.K.?, Brian Love, Christian Helmers, and Luke McDonagh
Material Indifference: How Courts Are Impeding Fair Disclosure in Criminal Cases, Kathleen M. Ridolfi, Tiffany M. Joslyn, and Todd H. Fries
In Honor of Angela Harris: Finding Breathing Space, Embracing the Contradictions, and "Education Work", Stephanie M. Wildman
Practicing Social Justice Feminism in the Classroom, Stephanie M. Wildman
Legal Uncertainty and Aberrant Contracts: The Choice of Law Clause, William J. Woodward Jr.
The Law of Corporate Purpose, David Yosifon
Submissions from 2013
Defendant Silence and Rhetorical Stasis, Stephen E. Smith
Informational Hearing on Patent Assertion Entities, Brian Love
Patients’ Online Reviews of Physicians, Eric Goldman
Simultaneous Catches and Infield Flies: Legal Writing Techniques in Sportswriting, John Schunk
Patent Assertion and Startup Innovation, Colleen Chien
Santa Clara Law Best Practices in Patent Litigation Survey, Colleen Chien, Nicole Shanahan, Daniel Dobkin, Wesley Helmholz, Coryn Millslagle, and Christopher Patrick Tosetti
Patent Assertion and Startup Innovation, Colleen Chien
When Does Freedom of Speech Trump Celebrity Publicity Rights?, Tyler T. Ochoa
'Holding Up' and 'Holding Out', Colleen Chien
Why Technology Customers Are Being Sued En Masse for Patent Infringement & What Can Be Done, Colleen Chien and Edward Reines
Legal Uncertainty and Aberrant Contracts: The Choice of Law Clause, William J. Woodward Jr.
The Implications of Excluding State Crimes from 47 U.S.C. §230’s Immunity, Eric Goldman
CBIT 2.0 -- Executive Summary, David M. Hasen
An Introduction to California's Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Program, Tseming Yang
Corporate Aid to Governmental Authority: History and Analysis of an Obscure Power in Delaware Corporate Law, David Yosifon
Make the Patent 'Polluters' Pay: Using Pigovian Fees to Curb Patent Abuse, Brian Love and James E. Bessen
Top 10 Tips for a Newly Tenured Professor, Eric Goldman
The Relationship Between Domestic and International Environmental Law, Tseming Yang
The Top 10 Trends in International Environmental Law, Tseming Yang
Two Truths and a Lie: Stories at the Juncture of Teen Sex and the Law, Michelle Oberman
Expanding Patent Law's Customer Suit Exception, Brian J. Love and James C. Yoon
Patent Trolls by the Numbers, Colleen Chien
Does the US Patent System Need a Patent Small Claims Proceeding?, Colleen Chien and Michael J. Guo
Overcharging, Kyle Graham
Software Patents & Functional Claiming, Colleen Chien and Aashish Karkhanis
10 Things the PTO Can Do to Enhance Context-Based Patent Disclosure, Colleen Chien
The Future of the American Law School or, How the 'Crits' Led Brian Tamanaha Astray and His Failing Law Schools Fails, Stephen F. Diamond
Defunding State Prisons, W. David Ball
Family Drama: Dangling Inheritances and Promised Lands, Patricia A. Cain
In Her Own Voice: Ann Scales as Philosopher, Storyteller, Feminist, and Jurisprude, Patricia A. Cain
Fixing Software Patents, Eric Goldman
Immigration Federalism: A Reappraisal, Pratheepan Gulasekaram and Karthick Ramakrishnan
Training the Heads, Hands and Hearts of Tomorrow's Lawyers: A Problem Solving Approach, Lisa A. Kloppenberg
Psychological Essentialism and Opposition to Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Kerry L. Macintosh
Can Competencies Drive Change in the Legal Profession?, Terri Mottershead and Sandee Magliozzi
Cristina's World: Lessons from El Salvador's Ban on Abortion, Michelle Oberman
"What Else Could I Do?": Single Mothers and Infanticide, 1900-1950 [Book Review], Michelle Oberman
Your Work Will Be Your Most "Faithful Mistress": Thoughts on Work-Life Balance Occasioned by the Loss of Professor Jane Larson, Michelle Oberman
Privilege Revealed: Past, Present, & Future [Revisiting Privilege Revealed and Reflecting on Teaching and Learning Together], Stephanie M. Wildman
A Social Justice Lens Turned on Legal Education: Next Steps in Representing the Vulnerable and Inspiring Law Students, Stephanie M. Wildman and Deborah Moss-West
Submissions from 2012
Redlined Text of the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA) and Unrelated Sections of the Patent Act Pending Enactment of H.R. 6621, Brian J. Love
Patent Assertion Entities, Colleen Chien
The Irony of Privacy Class Action Litigation, Eric Goldman
What is the Fuss about Joint Direct Infringement?: The Saga of Akamai/McKesson, Brian J. Love
Could a Patent Term Reduction Solve the Software Patent Problem?, Brian J. Love
Comments on Petherbridge, et al., Unenforceability, Brian J. Love
The Patent Remedy Dynamic [Georgetown-Stanford Conference], Colleen Chien
Restrictive State and Local Immigration Laws: Solutions in Search of Problems, Pratheepan Gulasekaram and Karthick Ramakrishnan