Submissions from 2007
Teaching Race/Teaching Whiteness: Transforming Colorblindness to Color Insight, Stephanie M. Wildman and Margalynne J. Armstrong
SOS (Safeguard Our Survival): Understanding and Alleviating the Lethal Legacy of Survival Threatening Child Abuse, Nancy A. Wright and Eric Wright
Introduction: Snapshots of the State of China’s Environmental Regulatory System, Tseming Yang
Submissions from 2006
On Restructuring the NYSE: Might a Nonprofit Stock Exchange Have Been Efficient?, Stephen F. Diamond and Jennifer W. Kuan
Resisting Deep Capture: The Commercial Speech Doctrine and Junk-Food Advertising to Children, David Yosifon
The Delphi "Bankruptcy": The Continuation of Class War by Other Means, Stephen F. Diamond
Non-Analytical Thinking in Law Practice: Blinking in the Forest, Kandis Scott
Voting Rights Act: Evidence of Continued Need, Angelo N. Ancheta and United States House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary
Justice Stevens, Judicial Power, and the Varieties of Environmental Litigation, Kenneth A. Manaster
A Coasean Analysis of Marketing, Eric Goldman
Co-Blogging Law, Eric Goldman
Integrating Contract Drafting Skills and Doctrine, Eric Goldman
Search Engine Bias and the Demise of Search Engine Utopianism, Eric Goldman
Aliens with Guns: Equal Protection, Federal Power, and the Second Amendment, Pratheepan Gulasekaram
Liberalism and Ability Taxation, David M. Hasen
Law, Politics, and the Appointments Process, Bradley W. Joondeph
Does Avoiding Constitutional Questions Promote Judicial Independence?, Lisa A. Kloppenberg
Reforming Chinese Arbitration Law and Practices in the Global Economy, Lisa A. Kloppenberg and Zhao Xiuwen
Innocent of a Capital Crime: Parallels between Innocence of a Crime and Innocence of the Death Penalty, Ellen Kreitzberg and Linda Carter
Fairness in the Air: California's Air Pollution Hearing Boards, Kenneth A. Manaster
2005: A Consumer Bankruptcy Odyssey, Gary Neustadter
Antitrust Law on the Borderland of Language and Market Definition: Is There a Separate Spanish-Language Radio Market?, Catherine J. K. Sandoval
Do International Norms Influence State Behavior?, David Sloss
Judicial Deference to Executive Branch Treaty Interpretations: A Historical Perspective, David Sloss
Using International Law to Enhance Democracy, David Sloss
Constraining Opt-Outs: Shielding Local Law and Those it Protects From Adhesive Choice of Law Clauses, William J. Woodward Jr.
International Treaty Enforcement as a Public Good: Institutional Deterrent Sanctions in International Environmental Agreements, Tseming Yang
The Challenge of Treaty Structure: The Case of NAFTA and the Environment, Tseming Yang
The Effectiveness of the NAFTA Environmental Side Agreement's Citizen Submission Process: A Case Study of Metales y Derivados, Tseming Yang
Submissions from 2005
Forty Years After Title VII: Creating an Atmosphere Conducive to Diversity in the Corporate Boardroom, Donald J. Polden
Universal Service: Problems, Solutions, and Responsive Policies, Allen S. Hammond IV
Reopening the Emmett Till Case: Lessons and Challenges for Critical Race Practice, Margaret M. Russell
From Imperial China to Cyberspace: Contracting Without The State, David D. Friedman
Data Mining and Attention Consumption, Eric Goldman
Deregulating Relevancy in Internet Trademark Law, Eric Goldman
Speech Showdowns at the Virtual Corral, Eric Goldman
The Challenges of Regulating Warez Trading, Eric Goldman
Policing the Border Between Trademarks and Free Speech: Protecting Unauthorized Trademark Use in Expressive Works, Pratheepan Gulasekaram
Telling a Constitutional Story: Examples of Constitutional Dialogue, Lisa A. Kloppenberg
One Wedding and a Revolution: A Film by Debra Chasnoff, Jean C. Love and Patricia A. Cain
Introduction: American Association of Law Schools Panel: Panel on the Use of Patients for Teaching Purposes Without Their Knowledge or Consent, Michelle Oberman
Sex, Lies, and the Duty to Disclose, Michelle Oberman
When the Truth is Not Enough: Tissue Donation, Altruism, and the Market, Michelle Oberman
The Schwarzenegger Bobblehead Case: Introduction and Statement of Facts, Tyler T. Ochoa
Still A Ball of Confusion: KP Permanent Make-Up, Inc. v. Lasting Impression I, Inc., Nikki Pope
A Tribute to Professor Herman M. Levy, Margaret M. Russell
Executive Power in Wartime, David Sloss
From Queer to Paternity: How Primary Gay Fathers Are Changing Fatherhood and Gay Identity, E. Gary Spitko
Navigating Dangerous Constitutional Straits: A Prolegomenon on the Federal Marriage Amendment and the Disenfrachisement of Sexual Minorities, E. Gary Spitko and Ronald J. Krotoszynski Jr.
Catholic Jurors and the Death Penalty, Gerald F. Uelmen
Justice Without Borders: Universal Civil Jurisdiction, Beth Van Schaack
A Collective Response to Mass Violence: Reparations and Healing in Cambodia, in Bringing the Khmer Rouge to Justice: Prosecuting Mass Violence Before the Cambodian Courts, Beth Van Schaack and Jaya Ramji-Nogales
The Terminator as Eraser: How Arnold Schwarzenegger Used the Right of Publicity to Terminate Non-Defamatory Political Speech, David Welkowitz and Tyler Ochoa
Democracy and Social Justice: Founding Centers for Social Justice in Law Schools, Stephanie M. Wildman
The Persistence of White Privilege, Stephanie M. Wildman
Finding the Contract in Contracts for Law, Forum and Arbitration, William J. Woodward Jr.
Submissions from 2004
The Situational Character: A Critical Realist Perspective on the Human Animal, Jon Hanson and David Yosifon
Broken Scales: Obesity and Justice in America, Adam Benforado, Jon Hanson, and David Yosifon
Politics of Embryonic Discourse, Kevin Quinn
Impact of Stock Option Expensing on Small Businesses, Stephen F. Diamond and United States Senate, Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Protecting Products That Go Hollywood [MCLE self study], Pratheepan Gulasekaram and Robert C. Welsh
Warez Trading and Criminal Copyright Infringement, Eric Goldman
Contextual Strict Scrutiny and Race-Conscious Policy Making, Angelo N. Ancheta
"The Right to Be Sexual" (Revisited): Remembering Mary Dunlap, Patricia A. Cain
Privacy on the Open Road, Dorothy J. Glancy
Rethinking the Role of the Dormant Commerce Clause in State Tax Jurisdiction, Bradley W. Joondeph
The Balancing Act: Leadership in Strategic Planning, Lisa A. Kloppenberg
Mothers Who Kill: Coming to Terms With Modern American Infanticide, Michelle Oberman
Turning Girls Into Women: Re-Evaluating Modern Statutory Rape Law, Michelle Oberman
Copyright, Derivative Works and Fixation: Is Galoob a Mirage, or Does the Form (GEN) of the Alleged Derivative Work Matter?, Tyler T. Ochoa
Snipping Private Ryan: The Clean Flicks® Fight to Sanitize Movies, Nikki Pope
Decollectivization and Democracy: Current Law Practice in Romania, Kandis Scott
Self-Executing Treaties and Domestic Judicial Remedies, David Sloss
Is the President Bound by the Geneva Conventions?, David Sloss and David Jinks
Darfur and the Rhetoric of Genocide, Beth Van Schaack
With All Deliberate Speed: Civil Human Rights Litigation as a Tool For Social Change, Beth Van Schaack
The International Significance of an Instance of Urban Environmental Inequity in Tijuana, Mexico, Tseming Yang
Submissions from 2003
The Situation: An Introduction to the Situational Character, Critical Realism, Power Economics, and Deep Capture, Jon Hanson and David Yosifon
Intellectual Property and Social Needs in a Networked World, Howard C. Anawalt
A Road to No Warez: The No Electronic Theft Act and Criminal Copyright Infringement, Eric Goldman
Introduction: Rights of Attribution, Section 43(A) of the Lanham Act, and the Copyright Public Domain, Tyler T. Ochoa
The Right to Privacy Under the Montana Constitution: Sex and Intimacy, Patricia A. Cain
Subversive Moments: Challenging the Traditions of Constitutional History, Patricia A. Cain and Linda K. Kerber
Are the U.S. Patent Priority Rules Really Necessary?, Colleen Chien and Mark Lemley
Cheap Drugs at What Price to Innovation: Does the Compulsory Licensing of Pharmaceuticals Hurt Innovaton?, Colleen V. Chien
PetroChina Syndrome: Regulating Capital Markets in the Anti-Globalization Era, Stephen F. Diamond
"Race to the Bottom" Returns: China's Challenge to the International Labor Movement, Stephen F. Diamond
Where's the Beef? Dissecting Spam's Purported Harms, Eric Goldman
Reflections on the Myth of Icarus in the Age of Information, Allen S. Hammond IV
A Realization-Based Approach to the Taxation of Financial Instruments, David M. Hasen
Exploring the "Myth of Parity" in State Taxation: State Court Decisions Interpreting Public Law 86-272, Bradley W. Joondeph
"Lady Madonna, Children At Your Feet": Tragedies at the Intersection of Motherhood, Mental Illness and the Law, Michelle Oberman