Submissions from 1995
Privilege in the Workplace: The Missing Element in Antidiscrimination Law, Stephanie M. Wildman
Submissions from 1994
Privilege Against Self-Incrimination, Ellen Kreitzberg
Psychotherapist-Patient Privilege, Ellen Kreitzberg
The Diversification of Protection Law in the United States, Evangeline G. Abriel
Attorney-Client Privilege, Ellen Kreitzberg
Our Immigrant Heritage: A Struggle for Justice, Angelo N. Ancheta
African Americans and Property Ownership: Creating Our Own Meanings, Redefining Our Relationships, Margalynne J. Armstrong
Lesbian Perspective, Lesbian Experience, and the Risk of Essentialism, Patricia A. Cain
Standards As Intellectual Property: An Economic Approach, David D. Friedman
Avoiding Constitutional Questions, Lisa A. Kloppenberg
Turning Girls Into Women: Re-Evaluating Modern Statutory Rape Law, Michelle Oberman
Limitation of Legal Malpractice Actions: Defining Actual Injury and the Problem of Simultaneous Litigation, Tyler T. Ochoa and Andrew Wilstrich
Beginner's Resolve: An Essay on Collaboration, Clinical Innovation, and the First-Year Core Curriculum, Margaret M. Russell
Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Rights and "The Civil Rights Agenda", Margaret M. Russell
A Tribute to J. Timothy Philipps, Gerald F. Uelmen
Justice Thurgood Marshall and the Death Penalty: A Former Criminal Defense Lawyer on the Supreme Court, Gerald F. Uelmen
The Anonymous Jury: Jury tampering by another name?, Gerald F. Uelmen and Ephraim Margolin
AALS Section on Teaching Methods: Bringing Values and Perspectives Back Into the Law School Classroom, Stephanie M. Wildman
Language and Silence: Making Systems of Privilege Visible, Stephanie M. Wildman and Adrienne D. Davis
Compassion Fatigue and the First Amendment: Are the Homeless Constitutional Castaways?, Nancy A. Wright
Not in Anyone's Backyard: Ending the "Contest of Nonresponsibility" and Implementing Long-Term Solutions to Homelessness, Nancy A. Wright
Submissions from 1993
Do Battered Women Deserve Clemency?: Governor Improperly Restricted Use of Pardoning Power, Kathleen M. Ridolfi
Should the Characteristics of Victims and Criminals Count? Payne v. Tennessee and Two Views of Efficient Punishment, David D. Friedman
Big Mother: The State's Use of Mental Health Experts in Dependency Cases, George J. Alexander
Implied Assumption of a Reasonable Risk: Much Ado About Nothing or Radical Departure in California Law?, Stephanie M. Wildman
Legislative Process and Commerical Law: Lessons from the Copyright Act of 1976 and the Uniform Commercial Code, William J. Woodward Jr. and Harold R. Weinberg
Intellectual Property Protection and Management: Law and Practice in Japan, Teruo Doi, George J. Alexander
Community Lawyering [Review Essay], Angelo N. Ancheta
Fighting Hate Violence by Taking Perpetrators to Court, Angelo N. Ancheta
Protecting Privilege: Race, Residence and Rodney King, Margalynne J. Armstrong
Litigating for Lesbian and Gay Rights: A Legal History, Patricia A. Cain
Comments on Peltzman, "The Political Economy of the Decline of American Public Education", David D. Friedman
Rethinking Indigent Defense: Promoting Effective Representation Through Consumer Sovereignty and Freedom of Choice for All Criminal Defendants, David D. Friedman and Stephen J. Schulhofer
Hanged for a Sheep - The Economics of Marginal Deterrence, David D. Friedman and William Sjostrom
Private Networks, Public Speech: Constitutional Speech Dimensions of Access to Private Networks, Allen S. Hammond IV
Killing Brown Softly: The Subtle Undermining of Effective Desegregation in Freeman v. Pitts, Bradley W. Joondeph
Legal Formalism from the Perspective of a Reasonable Law Professor, Jean C. Love
Gilmore Spoke Too Soon: Contract Rises from the Ashes of the Bad Faith Tort, Kerry L. Macintosh
Ten Paradoxes of Environmental Law, Kenneth A. Manaster
Forward: Scholarship and Legal Education, Donald J. Polden
La Diplomatie de la Détente: La CSCE, 1973-1979, Jiri Toman
Creating an Appetite for Appellate Reform in California, Gerald F. Uelmen
Leslie H. Abramson - A Career Perspective, Gerald F. Uelmen and Stephen H. Sutro
Submissions from 1992
Presumed Ineligible: The Effect of Criminal Convictions on Applications for Asylum and Withholding of Deportation Under Section 515 of the Immigration Act of 1990, Evangeline G. Abriel
Legal Breakdown: 40 Ways to Fix Our Legal System [Book Review], Margalynne J. Armstrong
In Search of a Normative Principle for Property Division at Divorce [Book Review], Patricia A. Cain
Less Law Than Meets the Eye, David D. Friedman
Preserving Rockefeller Center, Dorothy J. Glancy
Regulating Broadband Communication Networks, Allen S. Hammond IV
Hong Kong's Basic Law: The Path to 1997, Paved with Pitfalls, Anna M. Han
Presumed General Compensatory Damages in Constitutional Tort Litigation: A Corrective Justice Perspective, Jean C. Love
Tort Actions for Hate Speech and the First Amendment: Reconceptualizing the Competing Interests, Jean C. Love
"We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us", Kerry L. Macintosh
The Control of Pregnancy and the Criminalization of Femaleness, Michelle Oberman
Dedication: In Memory of Professor Russell W. Galloway, Jr., (Santa Clara University School of Law Professor), Gerald F. Uelmen
Id., Gerald F. Uelmen
Publication and Depublication of California Court of Appeal Opinions: Is the Eraser Mightier than the Pencil?, Gerald F. Uelmen
The Care and Feeding of TV Court Critics, Gerald F. Uelmen
Victims' Rights in California, Gerald F. Uelmen
Memorial Dedication Russell W. Galloway, Jr. 1940-1992, Gerald F. Uelmen, Howard C. Anawalt, Paul J. Goda S.J., George J. Alexander, Monica J. Evans, Margalynne Armstrong, and Nancy A. Wright
Submissions from 1991
Competing in Global Product Innovation: Is Antitrust Immunity Necessary?, George J. Alexander
Time for a New Law on Health Care Advance Directives, George J. Alexander
Choosing Justice, Howard C. Anawalt
Desegregation Through Private Litigation: Using Equitable Remedies to Achieve the Purposes of the Fair Housing Act, Margalynne J. Armstrong
Feminist Legal Scholarship, Patricia A. Cain
Same-Sex Couples and the Federal Tax Laws, Patricia A. Cain
Impossibility, Subjective Probability and Punishment for Attempts, David D. Friedman
Diversity and Equal Protection in the Marketplace: The Metro Broadcasting Case in Context, Allen S. Hammond IV
Sex, Drugs, Pregnancy, and the Law: Rethinking the Problems of Pregnant Women Who Use Drugs, Michelle Oberman
Drawing the Appropriate Statute of Limitations in Implied Causes of Action Under Rule 10b-5: A General Framework of Familiar Legal Principles, Donald J. Polden
Entering Great America: Reflections on Race and the Convergence of Progressive Legal Theory and Practice, Margaret M. Russell
Race and the Dominant Gaze: Narratives of Law and Inequality in Popular Film, Margaret M. Russell
Federal Sentencing Guidelines: A Cure Worse Than The Disease, Gerald F. Uelmen
Gideon Kanner: The Persistent Advocate, Gerald F. Uelmen
Lloyd Tevis--The Perfect Mentor, Gerald F. Uelmen
The Legacy of Doubt: Treatment of Sex and Race in the Hill-Thomas Hearings, Stephanie M. Wildman and Adrienne D. Davis
Obscuring the Importance of Race: The Implication of Making Comparisons Between Racism and Sexism (Or Other -Isms), Stephanie M. Wildman and Trina Grillo
Submissions from 1990
Meditations on Being Good, Margalynne J. Armstrong
Discriminatory Speech and the Tort of Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, Jean C. Love
Citizenship, Alienage, and Ethnic Origin Discrimination in Employment Under the Law of the United States, Mack Player
A Critique of Justice Antonin Scalia's Approach to Fundamental Rights Adjudication, E. Gary Spitko
Enlightened Social Insurance in a World Made Safer, Stephanie M. Wildman
Time to Abolish Implied Assumption of a Reasonable Risk in California, Stephanie M. Wildman and John C. Barker
New Judgment Liens on Personal Property: Does "Efficient" Mean "Better"?, William J. Woodward Jr.
One State's Answer to the UCC Article 9 Trade Name Issue and a Glimpse at the Non-Uniform Amendment Process, William J. Woodward Jr. and Alvin C. Harrell
Uniformity and Efficiency in the Uniform Commerical Code: A Partial Research Agenda, William J. Woodward Jr. and F. Stephen Knippenberg
Easing Transfer and Security Interest Transactions in Intellectual Property: An Agenda for Reform, William J. Woodward Jr. and Harold R. Weinberg
Submissions from 1989
The Impact of Proposition 103, George J. Alexander
Feminism and the Limits of Equality, Patricia A. Cain
An Economic Analysis of Alternative Damage Rules for Breach of Contract, David D. Friedman
Constitutional Interpretation: Defining Liberty Under the Constitution, David D. Friedman
Privacy and the Other Miss M, Dorothy J. Glancy
Franchising in Mainland China, Anna M. Han and Christopher Oechsli