Volume 58 (2018-2019), Number 2 (2018)
Money for Nothing: California's Outdated Illegal Gambling Forfeiture Laws Provide Criminals Low Risk and High Rewards
Mattia Murawski Corsiglia, Esq. and Daniel Trager
Concrete Thoughts About Abstract Ideas: Why a Nebulous Exception to Patentability Should Not Swallow Computer Software
Benjamin W. Hattenbach and Rosalyn M. Kautz
Constitution Over Comity: Toward Ensuring that the Senate's Advice and Consent Power Does Not "Take a Seat" to the Opportunistic Use of Senate Rules
Michael C. Macchiarola
Case Notes
Emerging Adulthood and the Criminal Justice System: #Brainnotfullycooked #Can'tadultyet #Yolo
Christine E. Fitch