Volume 39 (1998-1999), Number 4 (1999)
Carcieri's Self-Described Progressive Critique of the ACLU on Proposition 209: A Conservative Response
David Benjamin Oppenheimer
Ethics Review
Ethics Year in Review
Brian Augusta
Introduction: From Partners to Parents: Toward a Child Centered Family Law Jurisprudence
June Carbone
Interdependencies, Families, and Children
Karen Czapanskiy
Interdependency Theory - Old Sausage in a New Casing: A Response to Professor Czapanskiy
John DeWitt Gregory
Children's Well-Being: Clues and Caveats from Social Research
Greer Litton Fox
California Oral Will Contracts: The Decline of Testator Intent in the Shadow of Equitable Estoppel
Jeff G. Carchidi

- Editor in Chief
- Keith Valory
- Managing Editor
- Peter Gielniak