Home > Journals > High Tech > Vol. 3 (1987) > Iss. 2 (1987)
Volume 3 (1987), Issue 2 (1987)
Human Tissue Research: Who Owns the Results?
Allen B. Wagner
Copyright Protection for Computer Software in Great Britain and the United States: A Comparative Analysis
Nancy F. DuCharme and Robert F. Kemp
The Start-Up Partnership and Its Subsequent Incorporation: Federal Income Tax Issues Reexamined
David W. Herbst
Lubrizol: What Will It Mean for the Software Industry?
James E. Meadows
Trade Secret Preliminary Hearings: Does the Press Have a Right to Know?
Thomas M. Hogan and Ruth C. Schoenbeck
Canadian Commodity Taxation of High Technology Products
Deborah E. Nesbitt
Case Note
Current Case
M. Lee Dickinson
Book Review
The Law of Computer Technology
Howard C. Anawalt
Board of Editors
- Editor-in-Chief
- Gregory P. O'Hara
- Managing Editor
- Randolph J. Tinsley
- Research Editor
- Charles A. Sundholm