About This Journal | Santa Clara High Technology Law Journal | Journals | Santa Clara Law

About This Journal

Santa Clara High Tech Law Journal

The Santa Clara High Technology Law Journal (HTLJ) is a scholarly publication of the Santa Clara University School of Law. HTLJ is a leading forum for multidisciplinary discourse on emerging issues at the intersection of technology, law, and public policy. Prior to Volume 30, the journal was known as the Computer and High Technology Law Journal. All issues of HTLJ are available online via Digital Commons.

Current students interested in receiving updates about HTLJ events and opportunities should submit their information here, follow HTLJ on Twitter, and connect with a member of the current editorial board. To contact the editors with questions about the journal, email info@htlj.org.


Originally founded in 1984 as the Computer and High Technology Law Journal, the Santa Clara High Technology Law Journal (HTLJ) focuses on all aspects of intellectual property and high tech law. Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, HTLJ continues to be at the forefront of novel legal issues, fostering debate and discussion in the home of leading tech companies like Google and Apple.

HTLJ publishes two issues per volume (ISSN 0882-3383). Throughout its history, one of the journal's top priorities has been making its content more accessible to the legal community. After signing the Durham Statement on Open Access to Legal Scholarship with dozens of other law schools, Santa Clara made copies of all published journal content available online for free to anyone via the Digital Commons platform.

Articles published in HTLJ have been cited in landmark intellectual property cases, including the Federal Circuit's opinions in Festo v. Shoketsu, 234 F.3d 558, 574 (Fed. Cir. 2000) and In re Bilski, 545 F.3d 943, 1001 (Fed Cir. 2008).


The High Tech Law Journal's mission is to be the preeminent legal publication fostering legal scholarship and discourse in the area of intellectual property and technology-related law and contribute to the enhancement of the legislative and regulatory environment in this area of the law.

To fulfill its mission, HTLJ:

  • Provides a forum for legal scholars, practitioners, students and industry decision-makers for discourse on emerging issues at the juncture of technology, the law and public policy
  • Places itself at the forefront of emerging legal trends with the strategic guidance of a world-class Board of Advisors consisting of distinguished legal professionals and scholars from a broad spectrum of academic, business and public policy perspectives
  • Expands the resources for legal practitioners, scholars and students focused in the area of intellectual property and technology-related law area by providing opportunities for continuing education, networking, and mentorship