The Mobile Patent Wars
Locatelli Center
Start Date
22-2-2013 1:25 PM
End Date
22-2-2013 2:25 PM
In 2012, the court system saw an influx in patent litigation related to mobile devices: from potentially anti-competitive standard-essential patent infringement claims, to design patents taking center stage in the litigation arena as consumer choices become more design and ergonomically focused. And as litigation ensues, companies are continuing the mobile patent “arms race” by acquiring patent portfolios at high price tags for future enforcement purposes. In light of acquisition and litigation, the biggest question that still remains is how these companies will show and calculate damages in order to recover a monetary award from the court.
Barreiro - Strategy in Patent Wars
Cotter, Thomas - Patent Remedies in Global Perspective.ppt (130 kB)
Cotter - Patent Remedies in Global Perspective
Donnelly - Mobile Device Patent Litigation.pdf (284 kB)
Donnelly - Mobile Device Patent Litigation
The Mobile Patent Wars
Locatelli Center
In 2012, the court system saw an influx in patent litigation related to mobile devices: from potentially anti-competitive standard-essential patent infringement claims, to design patents taking center stage in the litigation arena as consumer choices become more design and ergonomically focused. And as litigation ensues, companies are continuing the mobile patent “arms race” by acquiring patent portfolios at high price tags for future enforcement purposes. In light of acquisition and litigation, the biggest question that still remains is how these companies will show and calculate damages in order to recover a monetary award from the court.