Panel 2 - Non-Practicing Entities: Going Global
Start Date
27-1-2012 10:30 AM
End Date
27-1-2012 11:45 AM
Non-practicing entities are popular targets for intellectual property debate. While some view non-practicing entities as patent aggregators curbing the progress of science and useful arts, others consider non-practicing entities as an integral part of the patent system. Panel Two will explore the dynamics of the intellectual marketplace and the rise of non-practicing entities in both the domestic and international arenas. Specific topics include: why the ITC is a venue of choice for non-practicing entities; the cause and effect relationship between patent monetization and non-practicing entities; and the reasons for the absence or emergence of non-practicing entities in foreign countries.
Media Format
Wang - NPE Infringement
CHTLJv28___Panel_2___Intellectual_Ventures.pdf (917 kB)
Intellectual Ventures
CHTLJv28___Panel_2___Chien___Presentation.pdf (285 kB)
Chien - Presentation
Panel 2 - Non-Practicing Entities: Going Global
Non-practicing entities are popular targets for intellectual property debate. While some view non-practicing entities as patent aggregators curbing the progress of science and useful arts, others consider non-practicing entities as an integral part of the patent system. Panel Two will explore the dynamics of the intellectual marketplace and the rise of non-practicing entities in both the domestic and international arenas. Specific topics include: why the ITC is a venue of choice for non-practicing entities; the cause and effect relationship between patent monetization and non-practicing entities; and the reasons for the absence or emergence of non-practicing entities in foreign countries.