Panel 4 - Comparative e-Privacy Regimes
Start Date
27-1-2012 3:00 PM
End Date
27-1-2012 4:45 PM
On the eve of Data Privacy Day, Panel Four will focus on electronic privacy in the international context. With the globalization and digitization of our world, the amount of information that we, perhaps unwittingly, share to the world through the Internet is astounding. This panel will explore, compare and contrast e-privacy regimes throughout the world. Has the law kept up with the bristling speed of technological progress to strike the right balance between protecting our privacy rights, encouraging business and ensuring justice?
Comparative e-Privacy Regimes
Panel 4 - Comparative e-Privacy Regimes
On the eve of Data Privacy Day, Panel Four will focus on electronic privacy in the international context. With the globalization and digitization of our world, the amount of information that we, perhaps unwittingly, share to the world through the Internet is astounding. This panel will explore, compare and contrast e-privacy regimes throughout the world. Has the law kept up with the bristling speed of technological progress to strike the right balance between protecting our privacy rights, encouraging business and ensuring justice?