Content Posted in 2011
01. Statement of Information: Table of Contents, Don Edwards and United States Congress, House Committee on the Judiciary
02. List of Congressman Don Edwards' Watergate Papers Donated to Heafey Law Library, Don Edwards
1984 and Beyond: Two Decades of Copyright Law, Tyler T. Ochoa
2005: A Consumer Bankruptcy Odyssey, Gary Neustadter
A Constitutional Analysis of Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1 and Voluntary School Integration Policies, Angelo N. Ancheta
An Empirical Assessment of the Potential for Will Substitutes to Improve State Intestacy Statutes, Mary Fellows, E. Gary Spitko, and Charles Strohm
A New Pragmatism in Robinson-Patman Interpretations?, George J. Alexander
Antitrust Language Barriers: First Amendment Constraints on Defining an Antitrust Market by a Broadcast's Language, and Its Implications for Audiences, Competition, and Democracy, Catherine J. K. Sandoval
Applications of Character Evidence in Civil and Criminal Cases, Gerald Chargin
A Research and Writing Program for Small Schools, George J. Alexander
Are the U.S. Patent Priority Rules Really Necessary?, Colleen Chien and Mark Lemley
A Road to No Warez: The No Electronic Theft Act and Criminal Copyright Infringement, Eric Goldman
A Summary Civil Remedy for Trade-Name Infringement: The New York Experience, George J. Alexander
A Tribute to Professor Herman M. Levy, Margaret M. Russell
Atrocity Crimes Litigation: 2008 Year-In-Review, Beth Van Schaack
At the Intersection of Visible and Invisable Worlds: United States Privacy Law and the Internet, Dorothy J. Glancy
Automated Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery Data Applications for Serials Collection Development, Whitney Alexander
Baldwin v. Sebelius - Appellants' Petition for En Banc Review, Steve Baldwin
Baldwin v. Sebelius - Brief for Appellants, Steve Baldwin
Baldwin v. Sebelius - District Court Opinion, United States District Court for the Southern District of California
Baldwin v. Sebelius - Ninth Circuit Opinion, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Baldwin v. Sebelius - Oral Arguments, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Beyond the Berle and Means Paradigm: Private Equity and the New Capitalist Order, Stephen F. Diamond
Bibliography on Secession and International Law, Mary D. Hood
Big Mother: The State's Use of Mental Health Experts in Dependency Cases, George J. Alexander
Brand Spillovers, Eric Goldman
Brave New Eugenics: Regulating Assisted Reproductive Technologies in the Name of Better Babies, Kerry L. Macintosh
Broken Scales: Obesity and Justice in America, Adam Benforado, Jon Hanson, and David Yosifon
Business, The Roberts Court, and the Solicitor General: Why the Supreme Court's Recent Business Decisions May Not Reveal Very Much, Sri Srinivasan and Bradley W. Joondeph
But Can it be Fixed? A Look at Constitutional Challenges to Lethal Injection Executions, Ellen Kreitzberg and David Richter
California's Foreclosure Statutes: Some Proposals for Reform, Cynthia Mertens
Cash Businesses and Tax Evasion, Susan Morse, Stewart Karlinsky, and Joseph Bankman
Cheap Drugs at What Price to Innovation: Does the Compulsory Licensing of Pharmaceuticals Hurt Innovaton?, Colleen Chien
Citizenship, Alienage, and Ethnic Origin Discrimination in Employment Under the Law of the United States, Mack Player
Co-Blogging Law, Eric Goldman
Competing in Global Product Innovation: Is Antitrust Immunity Necessary?, George J. Alexander
Competition in Legal Services Under the War on Poverty, Eric Wright
Consumer Interest in Corporate Law, David Yosifon
Continuing Violations Doctrine, Kyle Graham
Coons v. Geithner - Original Complaint, Nick Coons
Copyright, Derivative Works and Fixation: Is Galoob a Mirage, or Does the Form (GEN) of the Alleged Derivative Work Matter?, Tyler T. Ochoa
Copyright Law: The Last Five Years of Journal Coverage, Tyler T. Ochoa
Data Privacy, Data Piracy: Can India Provide Adequate Protection for Electronically Transferred Data?, Vinita Bali
Death Penalty Appeals and Habeas Proceedings: The California Experience, Gerald F. Uelmen
Defiling the Dead: Necrophilia and the Law, Tyler T. Ochoa and Christine Jones
Deregulating Relevancy in Internet Trademark Law, Eric Goldman
Discourse Norms as Default Rules: Structuring Corporate Speech to Multiple Stakeholders, David Yosifon
Does Technology Require New Law?, David D. Friedman
DOMA and the Internal Revenue Code, Patricia A. Cain
Educating Law Students for Leadership and Responsibilities, Donald J. Polden
Electronic Cash - More Questions than Answers, Kerry L. Macintosh
Elements, Tests and Proofs of a General Partnership, Paul Dias
Embryonic Stem Cell Research as an Ethical Issue: On the Emptiness of Symbolic Value, Kevin Quinn
Employment Discrimination Law, Cynthia Mertens
E Pluribus Unum: Data and Operations Integration in the California Criminal Justice System, W. David Ball
Ethical View of Testamentary Rights vs. the California Law, John Burnett
Eva and Her Baby (A story of Adolescent Sex, Pregnancy, Longing, Love, Loneliness, and Death), Michelle Oberman
Exempting High-Level Employees and Small Employers from Legislation Invalidating Predispute Employment Arbitration Agreements, E. Gary Spitko
Exploring Feminism Globally to Achieve Global Feminism, Anna M. Han
Factitious Disorders and Trauma-Related Diagnoses, Daniel Brown and Alan Scheflin
Fairness in the Air: California's Air Pollution Hearing Boards, Kenneth A. Manaster
Family Law (1962), George J. Alexander
Family Law (1963), George J. Alexander
Family Law (1964), George J. Alexander
Family Law (1965), George J. Alexander
Family Law (1966), George J. Alexander
Federal Regulation of False Advertising, George J. Alexander
Financial Options in the Real World: An Economic and Tax Analysis, David M. Hasen
Florida v. HHS - Brief for Appellants, United States Department of Health and Human Services
Florida v. HHS - Brief for Private Plaintiffs, National Federation of Independent Business
Florida v. HHS - Circuit Court Opinion, United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit
Florida v. HHS - Original Complaint, State of Florida
Florida v. HHS - Response Brief for the States, State of Florida
Florida v. HHS - Response/Reply Brief for Appellants, United States Department of Health and Human Services
Florida v. HHS - States Memorandum in Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Dismiss, State of Florida
Florida v. HHS - States' Reply Brief, State of Florida
Florida v. HHS - States' Reply Brief, State of Florida
Florida v. HHS - U.S. Motion to Dismiss, United States Department of Health and Human Services
Florida v. HHS - U.S. Reply-Response Brief, United States Department of Health and Human Services
Forty Years After Title VII: Creating an Atmosphere Conducive to Diversity in the Corporate Boardroom, Donald J. Polden
Fraudulent Installment Sales in Chicago, George J. Alexander
From Arms Race to Marketplace: The Complex Patent Ecosystem and Its Implications for the Patent System, Colleen Chien
From Contract to Status via Psychiatry, George J. Alexander and Thomas Szasz
From Imperial China to Cyberspace: Contracting Without The State, David D. Friedman
Full-Line Forcing of Less Than Requirements by Threat of Refusal to Deal-A Per Se Violation?, George J. Alexander
Hammontree v. Jenner, Superior Court for the State of California, Los Angeles County
Heinous, Atrocious, and Cruel: Apprendi, Indeterminate Sentencing, and the Meaning of Punishment, W. David Ball
Holding-Up More Than Half the Sky: Marketization and the Status of Women in China, Anna M. Han
Honesty and Competition: Some Competitive Virtues in the False Naming of Goods, George J. Alexander
Honesty and Competition: Some Problems in the Pricing of Goods, George J. Alexander
Injunctions in California, William Consiglia
Innocent of a Capital Crime: Parallels between Innocence of a Crime and Innocence of the Death Penalty, Ellen Kreitzberg and Linda Carter
Institute of Contemporary Law: The California Superior Court System, Mary Emery, Nicholas Livak, and Leon Panetta
Integrating Contract Drafting Skills and Doctrine, Eric Goldman
Intellectual Property Protection and Management: Law and Practice in Japan, Teruo Doi, George J. Alexander
International Human Rights Protection Against Psychiatric Political Abuses, George J. Alexander
Internet Filtering and the Adolescent Gay/Lesbian Patron, David Brian Holt
Interview with Professor George Alexander, George Alexander
Interview with Professor Gerald F. Uelmen, Gerald Uelmen
Introduction: Rights of Attribution, Section 43(A) of the Lanham Act, and the Copyright Public Domain, Tyler T. Ochoa
Introduction: Tiger Woods and the First Amendment, Tyler T. Ochoa
Judicial Foreign Policy: Lessons from the 1790s, David Sloss
Jurisdiction and the Japanese Defendant, Robert Peterson
Justice Stevens, Judicial Power, and the Varieties of Environmental Litigation, Kenneth A. Manaster
Kinder v. Geithner - American Association of People With Disabilities Amicus Brief, American Association of People with Disabilities
Kinder v. Geithner - American Nurses Association Amicus Brief, American Nurses Association
Kinder v. Geithner - Appellees Brief, Timothy Geithner
Kinder v. Geithner - Brief of Appellants, Peter Kinder
Kinder v. Geithner - Commonwealth of Massachusetts Amicus Brief, Martha Coakley
Kinder v. Geithner - Constitutional Law Professors Amicus Brief, Jack M. Balkin, Gillian E. Metzger, and Trevor W. Morrison
Kinder v. Geithner - District Court Opinion Dismissing Complaint, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri
Kinder v. Geithner - Economic Scholars Amicus Brief, David Cutler
Kinder v. Geithner - Law Professors Amicus Brief, Barry Friedman and Matthew Adler
Kinder v. Geithner - Original Complaint, Peter Kinder
Kinder v. Geithner - SEIU and Change to Win Amicus Brief, Service Employees International Union and Change to Win
Kinder v. Geithner - States' Amicus Brief, Kamala D. Harris
Law, Ethics, and the Good Samaritan: Should There be a Duty to Rescue?, Kathleen M. Ridolfi
Legal Theoretic Inadequacy and Obesity Epidemic Analysis, David Yosifon
Legal Transitions and the Problem of Reliance, David M. Hasen
LGBTIQ Teens - Plugged in and Unfiltered: How Internet Filtering Impairs Construction of Online Communities, Identity Formation, and Access to Health Information, David Brian Holt
Liberty University v. Geithner - Appelants' reply brief, Liberty University
Liberty University v. Geithner - Appelants' supplemental brief, Liberty University
Liberty University v. Geithner - Brief for Appellants, Liberty University
Liberty University v. Geithner - Order for Supplemental Briefing, United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
Liberty University v. Geithner - U.S. brief for appellees, Timothy Geithner
Liberty University v. Geithner - U.S. supplemental brief, Timothy Geithner
Limitation of Legal Malpractice Actions: Defining Actual Injury and the Problem of Simultaneous Litigation, Tyler T. Ochoa and Andrew Wilstrich
Memorial Dedication Russell W. Galloway, Jr. 1940-1992, Gerald F. Uelmen, Howard C. Anawalt, Paul J. Goda S.J., George J. Alexander, Monica J. Evans, Margalynne Armstrong, and Nancy A. Wright
Mental Illness as an Excuse for Civil Wrongs, George J. Alexander and Thomas S. Szasz
Nature of the California Grand Jury: An Evaluation, Mary Emery and Aidan Gough
New Jersey Physicians v. President of the United States - Appellants' Brief, New Jersey Physicians
New Jersey Physicians v. President of the United States - Third Circuit Opinion, United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
New Jersey Physicians v. President of the United States - U.S. Brief as Appellee, Barack Obama
Non-Analytical Thinking in Law Practice: Blinking in the Forest, Kandis Scott
Obstacles on the Road to Gender Justice: The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda as Object Lesson, Beth Van Schaack
Of Trolls, Davids, Goliaths, and Kings: Narratives and Evidence in the Litigation of High-Tech Patents, Colleen Chien
Oklahoma v. Sebelius - Original Complaint, State of Oklahoma
Oklahoma v. Sebelius - U.S Motion to Dismiss, Kathleen Sebelius
On Being Imposed Upon by Artful or Designing Persons - The California Experience with the Involuntary Placement of the Aged, George J. Alexander
Online User Account Termination and 47 U.S.C. §230(c)(2), Eric Goldman
Origin of Equity Jurisdiction and Jurisprudence, Edward Murphy
Origins and Meanings of the Public Domain, Tyler T. Ochoa
Patently protectionist? An Empirical Analysis of Patent Cases at the International Trade Commission, Colleen Chien
PetroChina Syndrome: Regulating Capital Markets in the Anti-Globalization Era, Stephen F. Diamond
Pharmaceutical Reverse Payment Settlements: Presumptions, Procedural Burdens, and Covenants Not to Sue Generic Drug Manufacturers, Catherine J. K. Sandoval
Physician Hospitals v. Sebelius - District Court Opinion, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas
Politics of Embryonic Discourse, Kevin Quinn
Preferably in English: surfing the Pacific in search of law in translation, Mary Sexton
Pregnancy Discrimination and Social Change: Evolving Consciousness About a Worker's Right to Job-Protected, Paid Leave, Patricia Shiu and Stephanie Wildman
Privacy on the Open Road, Dorothy J. Glancy
Private Antitrust Actions for Refusal to Deal, George J. Alexander
Protecting Domestic Industries at the ITC, Colleen Chien
Protection for Works of Foreign Origin Under the 1909 Copyright Act, Tyler T. Ochoa
Quality Stabilization and the Crisis in Fair Trade, George J. Alexander
Race and Wealth Disparity: The Role of Law and the Legal System, Beverly Moran and Stephanie Wildman
"Race to the Bottom" Returns: China's Challenge to the International Labor Movement, Stephen F. Diamond
Reflections on the Myth of Icarus in the Age of Information, Allen S. Hammond IV
Regulating the Economy in the Courts: Antitrust Today, George J. Alexander
Reopening the Emmett Till Case: Lessons and Challenges for Critical Race Practice, Margaret M. Russell
Reparations Litigation: What About Unjust Enrichment?, Margalynne J. Armstrong
Resisting Deep Capture: The Commercial Speech Doctrine and Junk-Food Advertising to Children, David Yosifon
Sanctuary Policies & Immigration Federalism: A Dialectic Analysis, Pratheepan Gulasekaram and Rose Villazor
Santa Clara Law 1911-2010: Centennial Faculty Bibliography, Mary D. Hood
Santa Clara Law - looking back, looking forward, Mary Hood
Science and Constitutional Fact Finding in Equal Protection Analysis, Angelo N. Ancheta
Search Engine Bias and the Demise of Search Engine Utopianism, Eric Goldman
Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, A Deus Ex Machina in the Tragic Interpretation of the Robinson-Patman Act, George J. Alexander
Servitudes: Legal and Equitable, James O'Keefe Jr.
Seven-Sky v. Holder - Amended Complaint, Susan Seven-Sky
Seven-Sky v. Holder - Brief of Appellants, Susan Seven-Sky
Seven-Sky v. Holder - Brief of United States, Eric Holder
Seven-Sky v. Holder - DC Circuit Opinion, United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
Seven-Sky v. Holder - District Court Opinion, United States District Court for the District of Columbia
Seven-Sky v. Holder - Plaintiffs' Memorandum in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss, Susan Seven-Sky and American Center for Law & Justice
Seven-Sky v. Holder - Reply Brief of Plaintiffs, American Center for Law & Justice
Seven-Sky v. Holder - U.S. Motion to Dismiss, Eric Holder
Seven-Sky v. Holder - U.S. Reply Brief, Eric Holder
Sissel v. HHS - Original Complaint, Matt Sissel
Sissel v. HHS - U.S. Motion to Dismiss, United States Department of Health and Human Services
Snipping Private Ryan: The Clean Flicks® Fight to Sanitize Movies, Nikki Pope
SOS (Safeguard Our Survival): Understanding and Alleviating the Lethal Legacy of Survival Threatening Child Abuse, Nancy A. Wright and Eric Wright
Speech Showdowns at the Virtual Corral, Eric Goldman
Still A Ball of Confusion: KP Permanent Make-Up, Inc. v. Lasting Impression I, Inc., Nikki Pope
Stranger in a Strange Land: Baptist Dean of a Jesuit Law School, Mack Player
Surrogate Management of the Property of the Aged, George J. Alexander
Symposium: Introduction, George J. Alexander
Symposium Presentation: Doing Internet Co-Branding Agreements, Eric Goldman
Teaching Cyberlaw, Eric Goldman
Teaching Race/Teaching Whiteness: Transforming Colorblindness to Color Insight, Margalynne J. Armstrong and Stephanie Wildman
Teaching Rights of Publicity: Blending Copyright and Trademark, Common Law and Statutes, and Domestic and Foreign Law, David Welkowitz and Tyler Ochoa
The Aged Person's Right to Property, George J. Alexander
The Anti-Monopoly Origins of the Patent and Copyright Clause, Tyler T. Ochoa and Mark Rose
The Bard and the Bench: An Opinion and Brief Writer's Guide to Shakespeare, Robert Peterson
The Constitutional Right to a Treaty Preemption Defense, David Sloss
The False Litigant Syndrome: "Nobody Would Say that Unless It was the Truth", Alan Scheflin and Daniel Brown
The Impact of Proposition 103, George J. Alexander
The Legal Frontier in the United States Space Program, George J. Alexander
The Many Meanings of "Politics" in Judicial Decision Making, Bradley W. Joondeph
"The People" of the Second Amendment: Citizenship and the Right to Bear Arms, Pratheepan Gulasekaram
The Puzzling Purposes of Statutes of Limitation, Tyler T. Ochoa and Andrew Wistrich
The Schwarzenegger Bobblehead Case: Introduction and Statement of Facts, Tyler T. Ochoa
The Situational Character: A Critical Realist Perspective on the Human Animal, Jon Hanson and David Yosifon
The Situation: An Introduction to the Situational Character, Critical Realism, Power Economics, and Deep Capture, Jon Hanson and David Yosifon
The Terminator as Eraser: How Arnold Schwarzenegger Used the Right of Publicity to Terminate Non-Defamatory Political Speech, David Welkowitz and Tyler Ochoa
The Value of Narrative in Legal Scholarship and Teaching, Jean C. Love
Thirteen Ways of Looking at Buck v. Bell: Thoughts Occasioned by Paul Lombardo's "Three Generations, No Imbeciles", Michelle Oberman
Thomas More Law Center v. Obama - Petition for Writ of Certiorari, Thomas More Law Center
Thomas More Law Center v. Obama - Sixth Circuit Opinion, United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
Thomas More Law Center v. Obama - U.S. Motion to Dismiss Appeal as Moot, Barack Obama
Time for a New Law on Health Care Advance Directives, George J. Alexander
Torts (1968), George J. Alexander
Torts (1969), George J. Alexander
Tough on Crime (on the State's Dime): How Violent Crime Does Not Drive California Counties' Incarceration Rates - And Why it Should, W. David Ball
Towards a Firm-Based Theory of Consumption, David Yosifon
Understanding Internet Co-Branding Deals, Eric Goldman and Candice Lee
Universal Service: Problems, Solutions, and Responsive Policies, Allen S. Hammond IV
University of Santa Clara Bulletin School of Law 1975-76 Bulletin, University of Santa Clara
University of Santa Clara Bulletin School of Law 1977-78 Bulletin, University of Santa Clara
University of Santa Clara Bulletin School of Law 1978-79 Bulletin, University of Santa Clara
University of Santa Clara School of Law 1970-1971, University of Santa Clara
University of Santa Clara School of Law 1971-72, University of Santa Clara
University of Santa Clara School of Law 1972-73, University of Santa Clara
University of Santa Clara School of Law 1973-74, University of Santa Clara
University of Santa Clara School of Law 1974-75, University of Santa Clara
Unraveling the Tangled Web: Choosing the Proper Statute of Limitation for Breach of the Implied Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing, Tyler T. Ochoa and Andrew Wistrich
U.S. Citizens Ass'n v. Sebelius - Appellants' Reply Brief, U.S. Citizens Association
U.S. Citizens Ass'n v. Sebelius - Brief of Appellants, U.S. Citizens Association
U.S. Citizens Ass'n v. Sebelius - Brief of United States, Kathleen Sebelius
U.S. Citizens Ass'n v. Sebelius - District Court's Final Judgment on Count 1, United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio
U.S. Citizens Ass'n v. Sebelius - Plaintiffs' Motion to Clarify or Reconsider, U.S. Citizens Association
Using Salience and Influence to Narrow the Tax Gap, Susan Morse
Virginia v. Sebelius - AARP Amicus Brief, AARP
Virginia v. Sebelius - American Association of People with Disabilities Amicus Brief, American Association of People with Disabilities
Virginia v. Sebelius - American Cancer Society Amicus Brief, American Cancer Society
Virginia v. Sebelius - American Center for Law & Justice Amicus Brief, American Center for Law & Justice
Virginia v. Sebelius - American Hospital Association Amicus Brief, American Hospital Association
Virginia v. Sebelius - American Nurses Association Amicus Brief, American Nurses Association
Virginia v. Sebelius - America's Health Insurance Plans Amicus Brief, America's Health Insurance Plans
Virginia v. Sebelius - Appellee's Opening Brief and Response Brief, Commonwealth of Virginia
Virginia v. Sebelius - Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Amicus Brief, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
Virginia v. Sebelius - Barry Friedman Amicus Brief, Barry Friedman
Virginia v. Sebelius - CATO Institute Amicus Brief, CATO Institute
Virginia v. Sebelius - Commonwealth of Massachusetts Amicus Brief, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Virginia v. Sebelius - Constitutional Accountability Center Amicus Brief, Constitutional Accountability Center
Virginia v. Sebelius - Constitutional Law Professors Amicus Brief, Jack Balkin, Gillian E. Metzger, and Trevor W. Morrison
Virginia v. Sebelius - Economics Professors Amicus Brief, Kenneth Arrow, George Akerlof, and Eric Maskin
Virginia v. Sebelius - Governor of Washington Amicus Brief, Christine Gregoire
Virginia v. Sebelius - Justice and Freedom Fund Amicus Brief, Justice and Freedom Fund
Virginia v. Sebelius - Kevin Walsh Amicus Brief, Kevin Walsh
Virginia v. Sebelius - National Women's Law Center Amicus Brief, National Women's Law Center
Virginia v. Sebelius - Opinion Denying Motion to Dismiss, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
Virginia v. Sebelius - Order for Supplemental Briefing, United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
Virginia v. Sebelius - Original Complaint, Commonwealth of Virginia
Virginia v. Sebelius - Pacific Legal Foundation Amicus Brief, Pacific Legal Foundation
Virginia v. Sebelius - Professors of Federal Jurisdiction Amicus Brief, Erwin Chemerinsky and Janet Cooper Alexander
Virginia v. Sebelius - Scheduling Order, United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
Virginia v. Sebelius - Service Employees International Union, Service Employees International Union
Virginia v. Sebelius - State of California Amicus Brief, Attorney General Office of the State of California
Virginia v. Sebelius - Supplemental Brief, United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
Virginia v. Sebelius - U.S. Brief for Appellant, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Virginia v. Sebelius - U.S. Brief in Opposition to Certiorari Before Judgment, Kathleen Sebelius
Virginia v. Sebelius - Virginia Certiorari Reply Brief, Commonwealth of Virginia
Virginia v. Sebelius - Virginia Organizing Amicus Brief, Virginia Organizing
Virginia v. Sebelius - Virginia's Petition for Writ of Certiorari, Commonwealth of Virginia
Virginia v. Sebelius - Virginia Supplemental Brief, Commonwealth of Virginia
Virginia v. Sebelius - Washington Legal Foundation Amicus Brief, Ilya Somin
Virginia v. Sebelius - Young Invincibles Amicus Brief, Young Invincibles
Vol. IX, Tab 41 - Ex. 17 - Email from Baris Gultekin (Google Product Manager Director), Baris Gultekin
Vol. IX, Tab 41 - Ex. 18 - Email from Baris Gultekin and Trademark Report (Google Product Manager Director), Baris Gultekin
Vol. IX, Tab 41 - Ex. 21 - Email from Lena Huang (Rosetta Online Marketing), Lena Huang
Vol. IX, Tab 41 - Ex. 22 - Email from Lena Huang (Rosetta Stone Online Marketing), Lena Huang
Vol. IX, Tab 41 - Ex 23 - Email from John Ramsey (Rosetta Stone Corporate Counsel), John Ramsey
Vol. IX, Tab 41 - Ex. 24 - Fax from Allstate Insurance Company, Allstate Insurance Company
Vol. IX, Tab 41 - Ex. 28 - Rosetta Stone Unjust Enrichment Calculations, Rosetta Stone
Vol. IX, Tab 41 - Ex. 4 - Google Ad Partners All-Hands Q1 2008, Google
Vol. IX, Tab 41 - Ex. 5 - Google Advertising Policy Review, Google
Vol. IX, Tab 41 - Ex 6 - Google Three Ad Policy Changes, Google
Vol. IX, Tab 41 - Ex. 8 - Email from Fiona Lee and EPCOT Study (Google Online Operations), Fiona Lee
Vol. IX, Tab 41 - Ex. A - Alferness Deposition (Google Ad Products Senior Product Manager), Jonathan Alferness
Vol. IX, Tab 41 - Ex. C - Chen Deposition (Google Trademark Counsel), Terri Chen
Vol. IX, Tab 41 - Ex. D - Chiang Deposition (Google AdWords Product Manager), Edward Chiang
Vol. IX, Tab 41 - Ex. G - Dulitz Deposition (Google AdWords Project Manager), Daniel Dulitz
Vol. IX, Tab 41 - Ex. H - Gultekin Deposition (Google AdWords Product Manager Director), Baris Gultekin
Vol. IX, Tab 41 - Ex. I - Hagan Deposition from GEICO (Google Managing Counsel - Trademarks), Rose Hagan
Vol. IX, Tab 41 - Ex. J - Hagan Deposition from CNG (Google Managing Counsel - Trademarks), Rose Hagan
Vol. IX, Tab 41 - Ex. K - Hagan Deposition (former Google Managing Counsel - Trademarks, Jewelry Maker), Rose Hagan
Vol. IX, Tab 41 - Ex. N - Lloyd Deposition (Google Ad Support Team Lead), Bill Lloyd
Vol. IX, Tab 41 - Ex. R - Wojcicki Deposition (Google Vice-President Product Management), Susan Wojcicki
Vol. IX, Tab 41 - Spaziano Declaration, Jennifer Spaziano
Vol. IX, Tab 42 - Declaration of Cheryl Galvin, Cheryl Galvin
Vol. IX, Tab 42 - Ex. 1 - Reporter's Transcript, Motions Hearing, September 18, 2009, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
Vol. IX, Tab 42 - Ex. 2 - Van Leigh Deposition (Rosetta Director Online Marketing), Van Leigh
Vol. IX, Tab 42 - Ex. 2 - Van Liere Deposition, Kent Van Liere
Vol. IX, Tab 42 - Ex. 6 - Eric Eichmann Deposition (Rosetta Chief Operating Officer), Eric Eichmann
Vol. IX, Tab 42 - Ex. 7 - Deposition Edward Blair (Expert on statistics for Google), Edward Blair
Vol. IX, Tab 44 - Rosetta Stone's Opposition to Google's Motion for Summary Judgment, Rosetta Stone
Vol. IX, Tab 45 - Rosetta Stone's Opposition to Google's Motion for Summary Judgment, Rosetta Stone
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 18 - Email from Gina Reinhold (Adwords Associate), Gina Reinhold
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 1 "Fair use of trademark terms in some creatives", Google
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 28 - Email from Christopher Klipple (Rosetta Stone Marketing Manager), Christopher Klipple
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 29 - Email from Christina Aguilar (Google Account Strategist), Christina Aguilar
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 2 "New US Trademark Policy (BarnOwl) update", Google
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 30 - Document Google Trademark Policy Task Force, Google
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 30 - Email from Bill Lloyd (Google Trademark Assistant), Bill Lloyd
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 31 - Email from John Ramsey (Rosetta Corporate Counsel), John Ramsey
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 36 - Rosetta Stone's Supplemental Responses to Google's First Set of Interrogatories, Rosetta Stone
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 37 - Expert Report of Dr. Kent D. Van Liere, Kent Van Liere
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 38 - Email from Prashant Fuloria (Google Product Management Director), Prashant Fuloria
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 40 - Document TMprocess.txt Trademark meeting 3/4, Google
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 43 - Document AdWords Selectâ„¢ - It's All About Resultsâ„¢, Google
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 45 - Email from Jason Calhoun (Rosetta Enforcement Manager), Jason Calhoun
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 49 - Deposition of Simon Berriochoa (Rosetta Stone Customer Care Group), Simon Berriochoa
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 50 - Deposition of Edward Blair (Statistical Analysis Expert for Google), Edward Blair
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 54 - Deposition of Eric Duehring (Rosetta Stone Vice President of Consumer Marketing), Eric Duehring
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 55 - Deposition of Eric Eichmann (Rosetta Stone Chief Operating Officer), Eric Eichmann
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 56 - Deposition of April Garvey (Marketing Consultant for Rosetta Stone), April Garvey
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 57 - Deposition of Baris Gultekin (Google Group Product Manager for AdWords), Baris Gultekin
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 63 - Deposition of Van Leigh (Rosetta Stone Director of Online Marketing), Van Leigh
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 65 - Deposition of Cory Louie (Google Senior Risk Investigator), Cory Louie
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 68 - Deposition of John Ramsey (Rosetta Stone Corporate Counsel), John Ramsey
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 6 - Email from, Google
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 70 - Deposition of Kent Van Liere (NERA Expert - Statistical Analysis), Kent Van Liere
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 7 - Email from Jeff Dean to Google, Jeff Dean
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Ex. 8 - Email from Emily White, Emily White
Vol. IX, Tab 46 - Spaziano Declaration in Opposition to Google's Motion, Jennifer Spaziano
Vol. IX, Tab 47 - Declaration of Henry Lien (Counsel for Google), Henry Lien
Vol. IX, Tab 47 - Ex. 10 - Document "Rosetta Stone Affiliate Overview - Nov. 29, 2007, Rosetta Stone
Vol. IX, Tab 47 - Ex. 12 - Email from AdWords Support - "Your Google AdWords Approval Status", Google
Vol. IX, Tab 47 - Ex. 1 - Document "Our Collar - Rosetta Stone New Brand", Dawn McAvoy
Vol. IX, Tab 47 - Ex. 23 - Deposition of Jonathan Alferness (Google AdWords Product Manager), Jonathan Alferness
Vol. IX, Tab 47 - Ex. 24 - Deposition of Edward Blair (Expert for Google), Edward Blair
Vol. IX, Tab 47 - Ex. 25 - Deposition of Terri Chen (Google Trademark Counsel), Terri Chen
Vol. IX, Tab 47 - Ex. 26 - Deposition of Daniel Dulitz (Google Adwords Product Manager - UI), Daniel Dulitz
Vol. IX, Tab 47 - Ex. 27 - Deposition of Eric Eichmann (Rosetta Stone Chief Operating Officer), Eric Eichmann
Vol. IX, Tab 47 - Ex. 28 - Deposition of April Garvey (Marketing Consultant for Rosetta Stone), April Garvey
Vol. IX, Tab 47 - Ex. 29 - Deposition of Baris Gultekin (Google Product Manager Director), Baris Gultekin
Vol. IX, Tab 47 - Ex. 2-9 - Documents "Rosetta Stone Competitive WebSite Analytics Report", Rosetta Stone
Vol. IX, Tab 47 - Ex. 31 - Deposition of Richard Holden (Google Project Manager Director), Richard Holden
Vol. IX, Tab 47 - Ex. 32 - Deposition of Bill Lloyd (Google Ad Support Team), Bill Lloyd
Vol. IX, Tab 47 - Ex. 33 - Deposition of Cory Louie (Google Senior Risk Investigator), Cory Louie
Vol. IX, Tab 47 - Ex. 34 - Deposition of Susan Wojcicki (Google Vice President - Product Management), Susan Wojcicki
Vol. IX, Tab 47 - Ex. 35 - Deposition of Jason Calhoun (Rosetta Stone Enforcement Manager), Jason Calhoun
Vol. VIII, Tab 38 - Ex. 66 - Van Leigh Deposition (Rosetta Online Marketing Director), Van Leigh
Vol. VIII, Tab 38 - Ex. 67 - Lloyd Deposition (Google Trademark Assistant), Bill Lloyd
Vol. VIII, Tab 38 - Ex. 68 - Louie Deposition (Google Senior Risk Investigator), Cory Louie
Vol. VIII, Tab 38 - Ex. 69 - Ninov Deposition (Rosetta Vice-President Strategic Research and Analysis), Nino Ninov
Vol. VIII, Tab 38 - Ex. 70 - Novaczyk Deposition (Rosetta Consumer Marketing Analytics), Thomas Novaczyk
Vol. VIII, Tab 38 - Ex. 72 - Ramsey Deposition (Rosetta Corporate Counsel), John Ramsey
Vol. VIII, Tab 38 - Ex. 73 - Tabatabai Deposition (Rosetta Online Marketing Specialist), Nicole Tabatabai
Vol. VIII, Tab 38 - Ex. 74 - Thomas Deposition (Rosetta counterfeit software customer), Diana Thomas
Vol. VIII, Tab 38 - Ex. 75 - Van Liere Deposition (Expert - Statistical Surveys), Kent Van Liere
Vol. VIII, Tab 38 - Ex. 76 - Wojcicki Deposition (Google Vice-President Product Management), Susan Wojcicki
Vol. VIII, Tab 38 - Ex. 77 - Wu Deposition (Rosetta Stone General Counsel), Michael Wu
Vol. VIII, Tab 39 - Bill Lloyd Declaration (Google Ad Support Team Lead), Bill Lloyd
Vol. VIII, Tab 39 - Ex. 1 - Email from Lepe Bismarck, Lepe Bismarck
Vol. VIII, Tab 39 - Ex. 3 - Google's Trademark Complaint Policy, Google
Vol. VIII, Tab 39 - Ex. 4 - NASO News, Google
Vol. VII, Tab 38 - Ex. 51 - Adams Deposition (Rosetta Stone CEO), Tom Adams
Vol. VII, Tab 38 - Ex. 52 - Alferness Deposition (Google Ad Products Sr. PM), Jonathan Alferness
Vol. VII, Tab 38 - Ex. 53 - Calhoun Deposition (Rosetta Enforcement Manager), Jason Calhoun
Vol. VII, Tab 38 - Ex. 54 - Chiang Deposition (Google AdWords PM), Edward Chiang
Vol. VII, Tab 38 - Ex. 55 - Chen Deposition (Google Trademark Counsel), Terri Chen
Vol. VII, Tab 38 - Ex. 58 - Duehring Deposition (Rosetta Stone VP of Consumer Marketing), Eric M. Duehring
Vol. VII, Tab 38 - Ex. 59 - Dulitz Deposition (Google AdWords PM), Daniel Dulitz
Vol. VII, Tab 38 - Ex. 60 - Eichmann Deposition (Rosetta COO), Eric Eichmann
Vol. VII, Tab 38 - Ex. 61 - Gultekin Deposition (Google Adwords PM Director), Baris Gultekin
Vol. VII, Tab 38 - Ex. 62 - Hagan Deposition (former Google Managing Counsel - Trademarks, Jewelry Maker), Rose Hagan
Vol. VII, Tab 38 - Ex. 63 - Hill Deposition (Rosetta Enforcement Specialist), Michael Hill
Vol. VII, Tab 38 - Ex. 64 - Holden Deposition (Google PM Director), Richard T. Holden
Vol. VII, Tab 38 - Ex. 65 - Klipple Deposition (Rosetta Marketing Manager), Christopher Klipple
Vol. VI, Tab 38 - Declaration of Margret M. Caruso, Margret M. Caruso
Vol. VI, Tab 38 - Ex. 20 - Email from Lena Huang, Lena Huang
Vol. VI, Tab 38 - Ex. 21 - Email from Christina Aguilar, Christina Aguilar
Vol. VI, Tab 38 - Ex. 23 - Email from Christopher Klipple, Christopher Klipple
Vol. VI, Tab 38 - Ex. 24 - Email from Christopher Klipple, Christopher Klipple
Vol. VI, Tab 38 - Ex. 25 - Email from Christopher Klipple, Christopher Klipple
Vol. VI, Tab 38 - Ex. 26 - Email from Jason Calhoun, Jason Calhoun
Vol. VI, Tab 38 - Ex. 28 - Email from Christopher Klipple, Christopher Klipple
Vol. VI, Tab 38 - Ex. 29 - Email from Jason Calhoun, Jason Calhoun
Vol. VI, Tab 38 - Ex. 30 - Email from Nino Ninov, Nino Ninov
Vol. VI, Tab 38 - Ex. 31 - Survey of Rosetta Stone Brand Health, Rosetta Stone
Vol. VI, Tab 38 - Ex. 32 - Language Learning in the United States of America, Rosetta Stone
Vol. VI, Tab 38 - Ex. 33 - Email from Eric Eichmann, Eric Eichmann
Vol. VI, Tab 38 - Ex. 34 - Rosetta Stone Competitive Analysis, Rosetta Stone
Vol. VI, Tab 38 - Ex. 35 - Rosetta Stone DTC (Direct to Consumer) Report 2008, Rosetta Stone
Vol. VI, Tab 38 - Ex. 36 - Email from Michael Wu, Michael Wu
Vol. VI, Tab 38 - Ex. 37 - Email from Michael Wu, Michael Wu
Vol. VI, Tab 38 - Ex. 38 - Email from Michael Wu, Michael Wu
Vol. VI, Tab 38 - Ex. 39 - Email from Michael Wu, Michael Wu
Vol. XIII, Tab 50 - Google's Opposition to Rosetta Stone's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, Google
Vol. XI, Tab 48 - Declaration of Kris Brewer (Associate Discovery Counsel for Google), Kris Brewer
Vol. XIV, Tab 51 - Google's Objection to Evidence and Motion to Strike, Google
Vol. XIX, Tab 56 - Rosetta Stone's Reply Brief in Support of its Motion for Partial Summary Judgment as to Liability, Rosetta Stone
Vol. XVII, Tab 54 - Google's Reply Motion in Further Support of its Motion for Summary Judgment, Google
Vol. XVI, Tab 53 - Declaration of Henry Lien in Support of Google's Reply Memorandum (Counsel for Google), Henry Lien
Vol. XV, Tab 52 - Rosetta Stone's Reply Brief in Support of its Motion for Partial Summary Judgment as to Liability, Rosetta Stone
Vol. XXIII, Tab 60 - Ex. 7 - Email from Prashant Fuloria (Google Product Management Director), Prashant Fuloria
Vol. XXII, Tab 59 - Ex. 1 - Declaration of Jonathan B. Oblak (Counsel for Google), Jonathan Oblak
Vol. XXII, Tab 59 - Ex. 2 - Declaration of Margret M. Caruso (Counsel for Google), Margret Caruso
Vol. XXII, Tab 59 - Ex. 3 - Declaration of Kris Brewer (Counsel for Google), Kris Brewer
Vol. XXII, Tab 59 - Google's Opposition to Rosetta Stone's Motion for Sanctions, Google
Vol. XXI, Tab 58 - Declaration of Jennifer L. Spaziano in Support of Rosetta Stone's Response to Google's Objections to Evidence and Motion to Strike, Jennifer Spaziano
Vol. XXI, Tab 58 - Ex. 3 - Deposition of Terri Chen (Google Trademark Counsel), Terri Chen
Vol. XXI, Tab 58 - Ex. 4 - Plaintiff Rosetta Stone's Supplemental Rule 26(a)(1) Disclosures, Rosetta Stone
Vol. XXIV, Tab 61 - Ex. 12 - Deposition of Simon Berriochoa (Rosetta Stone Customer Care Group), Simon Berriochoa
Vol. XXIV, Tab 61 - Ex. 2 - Rosetta Stone's Answers to Google's First Set of Interrogatories, Rosetta Stone
Vol. XXIV, Tab 61 - Ex. 3 - Rosetta Stone's Supplemental Response to Google's First Set of Interrogatories, Rosetta Stone
Vol. XXIV, Tab 61 - Ex. 4 - Deposition of Van Leigh (Rosetta Director of Online Marketing), Van Leigh
Vol. XXIV, Tab 61 - Ex. 6 - Deposition of Michael Hill (Rosetta Stone Enforcement Specialist), Michael Hill
Vol. XX, Tab 57 - Declaration of Jennifer L. Spaziano in Support of Rosetta Stone's Motion for Sanctions, Jennifer Spaziano
Vol. XX, Tab 57 - Ex. 16 - Plaintiff's Opposition to Defendant's Motion for Clarification and Brief in Support (American Airlines v. Google), American Airlines
Vol. XX, Tab 57 - Ex. 1 - Transcript of Motions Hearing, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
Vol. XX, Tab 57 - Ex. 2 - Rosetta Stone's First Request for the Production of Documents from Google, Rosetta Stone
When Lawyer and Client Meet: Observations of Interviewing and Counseling Behavior in the Consumer Bankruptcy Law Office, Gary Neustadter
Why Did China Reform Its Death Penalty?, Kandis Scott
Why Santa Clara Law Needs an Institutional Repository, David Brian Holt
Why Torts Die, Kyle Graham
Wikipedia's Labor Squeeze and Its Consequences, Eric Goldman
Wisconsin Practice Materials: A Selective, Annotated Bibliography, Ellen Platt