Document Type
Appellant Brief
Publication Date
Name of Court
United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
Name of Case
Liberty University v. Geithner
Docket No.
Automated Citation
Liberty University, "Liberty University v. Geithner - Brief for Appellants" (2011). Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Litigation. 51.
Below are entries in Bradley Joondeph's blog related to this case:
The four other lawsuits
Western District of Virginia upholds minimum coverage provision
Liberty University v. Geithner: a quick primer
What next?
Briefing schedule in Liberty University v. Geithner
Appellants file their opening brief in Liberty University v. Geithner
Fourth Circuit expedites Virginia v. Sebelius, calendars with Liberty University v. Geithner
A slight shift in the United States's argument
A scorecard on the taxing power question
The countdown to Tuesday
Six things to look for tomorrow
Fourth Circuit panel announced
Order for supplemental briefing in the Fourth Circuit cases
Supplemental briefing in the Fourth Circuit
A very short summary of Liberty University v. Geithner
The Anti-Injunction Act complications
Liberty University to file petition for certiorari next week
Cert petition filed in Liberty University v. Geithner
November 10, and some other moving pieces
Cert denied in the four held cases