Event Title
Supreme Court Advocacy and AMP v. Myriad Genetics
Start Date
27-8-2013 12:00 PM
End Date
27-8-2013 1:00 PM
Chris Hansen, recently retired from a distinguished career at the National ACLU, will speak on “Association of Molecular Pathologists v. Myriad Genetics” (referred to as the “breast cancer gene” patent case), a case he argued and won in a unanimous opinion from the U.S. Supreme Court in June 2013.
Since October 08, 2014
Aug 27th, 12:00 PM
Aug 27th, 1:00 PM
Supreme Court Advocacy and AMP v. Myriad Genetics
Bannan 127
Chris Hansen, recently retired from a distinguished career at the National ACLU, will speak on “Association of Molecular Pathologists v. Myriad Genetics” (referred to as the “breast cancer gene” patent case), a case he argued and won in a unanimous opinion from the U.S. Supreme Court in June 2013.
Santa Clara Law Digital Commons
Home > Conferences, Symposiums, and Events > Social Justice Events > SPEAKERS > 11
Event Title
Supreme Court Advocacy and AMP v. Myriad Genetics
Presenter Information
Chris Hansen
Bannan 127
Start Date
27-8-2013 12:00 PM
End Date
27-8-2013 1:00 PM
Chris Hansen, recently retired from a distinguished career at the National ACLU, will speak on “Association of Molecular Pathologists v. Myriad Genetics” (referred to as the “breast cancer gene” patent case), a case he argued and won in a unanimous opinion from the U.S. Supreme Court in June 2013.
Since October 08, 2014
Usage - Abstract Views: 5
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Supreme Court Advocacy and AMP v. Myriad Genetics
Bannan 127
Chris Hansen, recently retired from a distinguished career at the National ACLU, will speak on “Association of Molecular Pathologists v. Myriad Genetics” (referred to as the “breast cancer gene” patent case), a case he argued and won in a unanimous opinion from the U.S. Supreme Court in June 2013.
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