Santa Clara Law Digital Commons - Center for Global Law and Policy Events: Careers in Public International Law

Event Title

Careers in Public International Law


Bannan 135

Event Website

Start Date

24-9-2013 12:00 PM

End Date

24-9-2013 1:00 PM


Information about Panelists:

Francisco J. Rivera Juaristi
Director, International Human Rights Clinic and Assistant Clinical Professor

Prior to coming to Santa Clara, Professor Rivera was an adjunct professor of international law and human rights at the Inter-AmericanUniversity of Puerto Rico. He is a former senior staff attorney at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights of the Organization of American States seated in Costa Rica, where he was also director of that court’s internship program. In the late 1990s, he also served as Executive Director of the Amnesty International Section in Puerto Rico.

Britton Schwartz
International Human Rights Clinic
Prior to joining Santa Clara, Britton Schwartz was Staff Attorney as part of the Shriver Housing Project at Inner City Law Center. Britton has worked as an advocate for rural and indigenous communities in Arizona, California and Latin America, most recently on behalf of indigenous Peruvians as Peru Advocate for Amazon Watch.

David Sloss
Professor of Law, Director of the Center for Global Law & Policy
Professor Sloss is an internationally renowned scholar who has published two books and numerous law review articles addressing the application of international law in domestic courts. His scholarship in this area is informed by a decade of experience in the federal government, where he helped draft and negotiate several major international treaties. Professor Sloss serves frequently as a consultant for U.S. attorneys who seek advice on the domestic application of international law in U.S. courts.

Tseming Yang
Professor of Law, Faculty Director of Graduate Legal Programs
Before law teaching, Professor Yang served as an attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice’s Environment and Natural Resources Division, practiced law with the firm of Latham and Watkins in San Francisco, and was a law clerk for the Honorable Rudi M. Brewster of the United States District Court for the Southern District of California.


Sep 24th, 12:00 PM Sep 24th, 1:00 PM

Careers in Public International Law

Bannan 135