"In Honor of Angela Harris: Finding Breathing Space, Embracing the Cont" by Stephanie M. Wildman

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In Honor of Angela Harris: Finding Breathing Space, Embracing the Contradictions, and “Education Work,” serves as a tribute to Angela Harris. This essay explores Harris’ concept of education work, the work that people of color in predominantly white settings must do to maintain their own integrity and to help their white colleagues to build inclusive communities. Part I explores this idea of education work and suggests that whites need to undertake part of the load of this work. Education work by whites provides an opportunity to create allies and to work across racial lines. Part II addresses the idea of incorporating mindfulness into legal education. Again, Harris has been a pioneer in this area through her scholarship on reframing legal education. The essay includes breathing exercises in the yoga tradition and concludes with a recipe for chocolate chip cake, recognizing Harris’ and my love of chocolate.

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