Document Type
Appellant Brief
Publication Date
Automated Citation
Baldwin, Steve, "Baldwin v. Sebelius - Appellants' Reply Brief" (2011). Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Litigation. 278.
Below are entries in Bradley Joondeph's blog related to this case:
The first bit of ACA litigation to reach the Supreme Court
Baldwin cert petition news on Monday
Ninth Circuit briefing schedule in Baldwin v. Sebelius
Opening brief due today in the Ninth Circuit in Baldwin v. Sebelius
United States files its brief in Baldwin v. Sebelius
Update on Baldwin v. Sebelius
No initial en banc hearing in Baldwin v. Sebelius
Ninth Circuit schedules oral argument in Baldwin v. Sebelius
Recent developments in Baldwin v. Sebelius
Yesterday's oral argument in Baldwin v. Sebelius
Ninth Circuit affirms in Baldwin v. Sebelius